Tuesday 8 December 2009

New sights, new adventures

Yes, new photos are way overdue. But hopefully they are worth the wait. Here are a few snapshots from my trips to Amsterdam (summer & winter edition and Den Haag)


Friday 10 July 2009

Si Si Signore

After a very long break from uploading new pictures, here are a few snapshots from Italy and Monaco.
Monaco - Monte Carlo

Alassio - Italy

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Normafa, Hungary

As summer (where was spring?) has arrived in Budapest, Kristina and I decided to escape the hectic life of the city and made our way up to Normafa, a forest on top of one of the hills surrounding Budapest. It is not only very peaceful, but also allows for a great view. Here are a few snap shots.

Thursday 19 March 2009


Last weekend, two Marie-Christines and I headed south to Slovenia for a small roadtrip around this stunning country.



Maribor ----------------------------------------------------------------------